Collect, Analyze and Report on data in 3 simple steps
Empower your market or market organization by working with Farm 2 Facts (F2F), a farmers-market data collection toolkit backed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Whether you know it or not, you’re already collecting data through your usual market activities; let us assist with aggregating, interpreting, and reporting that data. F2F will help you hone your decision-making, communicate with stakeholders, and secure funding. We have a one-on-one relationship with every customer, and we develop our software based on your feedback.
Designed by a team with over 30 years of experience with farmers markets. Tested in seven states. F2F works.
The Farm 2 Facts toolkit is:
- Affordable – We pride ourselves in offering an economical toolkit for all sizes of markets and market organizations
- Inclusive – Embrace new communities with over 100 submetrics
- Customizable – Get the specific data you need with help from UW-Madison faculty, staff, and students
- Scalable – F2F will grow with you
Collect data that matters to your organization and community, whether you are an individual market or a market organization. F2F does not just measure revenues and operations but your market’s economic, social, and ecological impacts. We offer over 25 metrics and 100 sub-metrics, so you can highlight what matters to you.
Choose from our set of metrics to gain insight and report on info such as::
- average number of visitors per market day (estimated)
- total dollar amount for incentive program sales
- percentage of visitors from represented zip codes (estimated)
- average years in the farming industry per vendor
- total number of volunteer hours contributed
- total number of participants in market programs
Our metrics are updated to be consistent with USDA reporting requirements.
Download a full list of our metrics here:
Step 2 – Collect YOUR Data
F2F provides step-by-step instructions and videos on what to do before, during, and after your market to collect data for your on the metrics that you choose to collect. Our 24/7 customer service is there to assist and answer any questions you may have along the way. Our bi-weekly member Q&A hours offer additional designated time for managers to ask us questions and speak with other managers also collecting data.
Data collection can be even further simplified through Marketwurks, a farmers-market management software created by market managers.
Step 3 – Utilize your results
The Farm 2 Facts reporting tools allow you to analyze, visualize or report on your findings by providing simple data reporting, visual graphs or infographics that are perfect to present to stakeholders or support grant proposals.
Data is knowledge. Put our statistically valid and reliable results to use by assisting your internal decision-making, improving your grant applications, promoting your market, informing your sponsors, etc. The opportunities are endless!
Working with this project has given us access to reliable statistical analysis of our market; something that would be unrealistic on our standard operating budget. The data collection process initially appeared daunting, but the team of researchers assisted us determine the most efficient means of recording the information and even did a site visit to help us evaluate the best way to ensure clean data... The insights gained have helped us in writing grant requests and reports, recognizing areas where we can make quick and easy improvements, and responding to concerns from customers, vendors and local business owners.
Fond du Lac Farmers Market in Fond du Lac, WI
Dustry Krikau
This project is a huge help to Crossroads as we learn how and what to communicate externally. We've done some data collection in the past that was not very accurate and therefore not used. We chose metrics that would be of interest to our stakeholders and Board of Directors and that wouldn’t take up too much of our market team’s time.
Crossroads Farmers Market in Takoma Park, MD
Michelle Dudley
Being a part of the metric selection process allows us to communicate the health impacts of our market in the community. Our metric selection gives us the ability to show what fresh, local food is easily accessed at our market, how many people walk or bike to the market, and how the local economy is growing through farming, backyard farming and entrepreneurship.
Hernando Farmers Market in Hernando, MS
Gia Matheny
Our experience with F2F has been very positive. It has allowed us to collect metrics that we otherwise might not have. Having information on distance traveled to market and vendor registration forms for each vendor requiring sales data has been extremely useful to us in keeping track of our vendors and where the product is coming from. Additionally, with the information put into a concise one-page document including EBT sales, debit and total sales we will be able to recruit and share with new vendors.
Williamson Farmers Market in Williamson, WV
Maria Arnot
In my work with Wisconsin Main Street communities, we are continually striving to help our communities establish effective ways of measuring and communicating the impact of our efforts on the local community. Since so many of our communities coordinate or host downtown farmers markets, and because these events attract visitors that represent a key demographic group for downtown merchants, I was excited about the opportunity to more formally understand and evaluate market performance.
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
Errin Welty