Data collection activities take additional time but we recognize that markets come in many shapes and sizes and with different resources. The portal organizes everything that you need to do into simple steps and we are always available for questions.

The research-backed tools make it easy to collect, interpret, and report scientifically valid and reliable data. You select your metrics so you can target your data collection activities to your organizational capacity. The Metric Selection training will guide you through this process but if you have any immediate questions, just ask!

Every member will collect data on four common metrics:

  • average number of visitors per market day
  • total market sales
  • average distance in miles traveled from product origin to market
  • total cultivated or grazed acres by market vendors

Each market can select additional custom metrics. Most members select metrics that relate to their short- and long-term goals or that support their reporting requirements. Visit the How It Works page to learn more. You can also contact us for customer service anytime.

Markets should identify a data collection manager to lead their data collection efforts on a regular basis or on a given day. The data collection manager may be a representative of the market or a volunteer. We use two terms to describe the people that will collect data:

  • ‘data collector’ refers to a single person collecting data
  • ‘data collection team’ refers to the collective group of people that coordinate resources for data collection and implement the instruments

Similar to the data collection manager, the ‘data collector’ and the ‘data collection team’ may be a representative of the market or a volunteer. The number of people involved in data collection will depend on various factors, such as market size, market day, and number of instruments.

F2F includes a step-by-step guide on collecting data and the Collect Data training will walk you through it. We also provide one-on-one customer service 7 days a week and we can visit your market as an add-on service.

The contract is a 12-month term. Members collect data and enter during their market season(s) but can access their data and create reports at any point during the contract period.

The price varies by the type of user: individual market or market organization, and we provide add-on services for an extra charge. You can also contact us with any pricing questions or to get an estimate.

Without getting into legal jargon, both of us own the data. F2F helps you collect, manage, and store your data. As a member, you have unlimited access to your data. When you use it in reports or presentations, please include the following acknowledgement statement:

“Information within this report was produced in conjunction with the Metrics and indicators for Impact program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, mifimarkets@lists.wisc.edu.”

We organize the data into a dataset and use it to do research on farmers markets.




